Tag: 2024

Sound presentation term 4


Kia ora ! apparently , i recorded and presentated myself , since i lost the recording of me and my partner . This specific presentation is created   about facts of sounds . With most of them saying , how sound is made ? All of these sorts of questions mention about sound with how its created ? Anyways , my partner was Tatiana , we both worked together on this presentation for 6 weeks this term . This was actually enjoyable with a bit of hard work that was put into this !
During the 6 weeks , we had to pair up with a buddy , and complete a task that we were asigned to do !


Why should all New zealanders speak Maori

Why should all New Zealanders learn how to speak Maori? All New Zealanders should understand how to speak Maori. Most schools located in New zealand teach Maori to study and show respect. People protect the language by passing it down to their children. Maori is the official language that most New Zealanders speak.

First of all, Back then, many New Zealand generations didn’t know the  Maori language? They didn’t know Maori because of the strict rule that was created around schools. The Maori language was banned from most every school located in New zealand. If kids were to speak Maori during school, it’ll cause the teacher’s to even hit them. So, people around Aotearoa signed petitions to deliver to the government. Saying for schools to teach kids Maori language. In 1975, schools started teaching kids Maori during school.

Secondly, Many New Zealand generations pass down the Maori language to their kids, or even family. They protect the Maori language, to respect, and cherish the language. They also pass the culture down to keep the culture going on for years. Even though some New Zealand generations didn’t know how to speak Maori, families were determined to make them speak Maori.

Lastly, If New Zealanders were to learn Te reo Maori. It’d respect Maori culture. It’ll be great if all New Zealanders learned Maori, and passed it down to their own kids. Besides, if New Zealanders speak Maori, it’ll be considered as a natural thing.

In conclusion, all New Zealanders should all learn how to speak Te reo Maori so we pass down and respect the culture. Many Generations really didn’t know Maori, which is why schools added Maori back. Schools would hit children if they spoke or learnt Maori in school.


Kia ora! Im Chevelle. A year 7 that attends at Pt england school. Today i’ll be talking about the reason why we should have longer breaks at school. Schools regularly would give out notices that have times. Like 3pm or 2:30pm. The Parents would circle the time they would want for their child. And the children would send them back to school to deliver to their teachers. I suggest that 3pm would be the minimum.

First of all, if we have a longer lunch break so that we can have more time to spend with our friends. When we have these breaks, sure we’ll get tired and exhausted, but we’ll be able to talk to our friends instead of during class time! Teachers would get annoyed if we were to talk during class, which wastes our learning time. If this kept repeating, it’ll lead to a bad future. As in being late on the job, or important meetings.

Secondly, Longer breaks can lower anxiety and stress from a child. Don’t you think 30 minutes of morning tea time and a 1 hour of lunch time is enough? Think about what you can do in a hour. Longer breaks can lower anxiety and stress from a child. These minimum breaks help produce more knowledge to the child’s brain. If the child is into running it could not only help the heart rate faster than ever. But! Also help the child’s brain when working on a specific subject! 

Finally, longer breaks help our memory. Back in the 1800’s breaks was a cause to help us better to understand researching, way faster and better! Breaks helps develop more social skills when interacting with people! breaks can help improve our memory or attention that can help us stay focus during learning time! Longer breaks help us develop more physically and emotionally! This boosts our health level even higher than before!

In Conclusion, longer break times at school is better for children. It’s about their education and their physical action. Longer breaks could support not only physical health, but also mental health. Its an investment in a children’s future as well. Longer breaks provide children with learning success. It could help children’s attitude change into a positive one by relieving stress.

Juggling journey movie

My juggling journey starts from day 1. Day 1 is when i started with One ball! Day 2 i improved with two balls this time, swinging one hand after another. Day 3 was the exact same as day 2, trying out two balls. Day 4 was all about using two blocks which i refer as balls. I repeated the process like day 3, 2. Day 5 i used rolled up socks as balls. Day 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 is a repeated process from day 2, too day 10.

At the end of the day i couldn’t succeed with doing three balls. But i enjoyed the juggling session. Had lots and lots of fun! I hope you enjoyed the movie iv’e created in…


Ka kite